image001National School Hero Lunch Day is tomorrow, May 1, 2020! Make sure to show your appreciation for the hardworking school nutrition professionals in our cafeterias... and our curbside pickups, delivery setups, and other sites made available for food prep and distribution in the current COVID-19 climate. 

What we have witnessed over the past six week from Indiana’s K-12 food service community is so much bigger and better than “making do”… the flexibility and determination to adjust and adapt to ever-changing conditions with demand growing has been nothing short of amazing. Over 90,000 students across Indiana are receiving 850,000 meals every week, thanks to these remarkable people.

We are so proud to partner with so many wonderful K-12 food service professionals who are working hard to provide meals!

See below for some articles and information about the changes facing K-12 food service operations, including a special feature focusing on Indiana’s own Christine Clarahan, Director of Food and Nutrition Services for School City of Hammond!